MacArthur Foundation dishes out the reality of truckloads of skills kids picking up online
This results of this fab and extensive research conducted by MacArthur foundation into how time spend online was important for youth development. The paper titled: Living and Learning with New Media raised the following:
Major Findings:
- youth use online media to extend friendships and interests
- youth engage in peer-based, self-directed learning online
- virtual presence enable youth to become experts based on interests
- youth become more independent in seeking and deepening knowledge based on interests
- develop status & identity
- kids and young adults set their time - and when it is convenient
- informal, more relaxed way of learning, empowering and motivating
- adults should facilitate young people’s engagement with digital media
- given the diversity of digital media, it is problematic to develop a standardized set of benchmarks against which to measure young people’s technical and newmedia literacy
- in interest-driven participation, adults have an important role to play
- to stay relevant in the 21st century, education institutions need to keep pace with the rapid changes introduced by digital media.
800 youths and young adults were involved in the study for a period of over 5000 hours of online observation. This research came out in Nov. 2008, but I was so snowed under, didn't get a chance to post about it ;(
Check out the video...
if you can't see the video below then check it out here.
Related links...
new york times article - Teenagers’ Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing
MacArthur main page for research report
MacArthur's digitallearning portal
Download the 30-page white paper
australian government online safety for children & young people
practical safety programmes by charity called childnet international
resources for teachers on newmedia - conference proceedings
thinkuknow - new media, mobiles and resources for carers/parents, teacher/trainer
netzmartz workshops - teen and young people newmedia safety for young people
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