Differentiate your organisation through goodness! - be a brand that truly cares!!!
I recently finished reading - i'm with the brand, by Rob Walker (wikipedia profile) who examined how we weave consumerist artifacts into the narrative that externally describes our unique identity, and how these brand interactions create that tension between individuality and belonging. Very fabulous reading, specially when Rob looks deeper at 'fringe' brands who explore greater meaning with us as individuals! The books shows how informatively thinking fringe 'brands' integrate themselves into our lives, by connecting to our passions - via events, eZines, and other ways of creating genuine conversations.

I have heard of individuals in the third-sector receiving consultant services from commercial pundits who are in the old school of "push marketing" (wikipedia) or as Seth Godin (wikipedia profile) would say, interruption based marketing. In a previous post I presented the mounting evidence on the accumulation of user generated opinion that is challenging the advertising model.

More than ever we need to keep a clear conversation and dialogue with our service users to sign post, energize and facilitate their personal transformations. Removing barriers and opening opportunities - This can only really happen through clarity and stewardship, because we are here to serve the needs of our communities we represent. By becoming enablers, we strengthen a rippling effect that scatters throughout our emotional connections and conversations.

We therefore need to fearlessly let our genuine voices cut through the marketing clutter and business speak - like in the call to arms so well presented in the clue train manifesto.

This can only lead to truly focusing on a nonprofit business model that nurtures happiness and well being. Our impetus has to be heart centred commitment, and to paraphrase Tim Sanders (wikipedia profile), let our love be the killer app (Tim is author of: Love the Killer App)

Let me sign post you on a journey of discovery that will present fresh ways of being and thinking, and conversations, and true engament are right in the middle of it all. I feel that we need to truly care for our client/user base - and if you have to call them customers, then we need to embrace logic + emotion.

I leave you with a question, how much of an individual's personality impacts on services?

Enjoy ;D this short journey ;D

Inspirational community building and conversation starters...
See different, think different. I hope that the following slide shows and embedded material will convince you of building ongoing relationships with figures of authority, so that you can better serve the communities which you support.

Goodness And Happiness - Why Generosity Is The Future Of Marketing Strategy

Happiness as Your Business Model

Happiness - MTV: young people, connecting and engaging


Are you your organisation's brand?

Watch Personal Branding, David Armano, Critical Mass in Chicago Convergence | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

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