Improved web video players branding & functionality

Metacafe and Viddler enhance their free offerings...
A couple of posts ago I wrote about managing your multiple video uploads with tubemogul. What's really fanstastic is that those Youtube clones are also coming up with some fanstastic new ways of branding your content and engaging your user across your video's timeline.

Branding With Viddler - a whole new level!
What is there that you can't customize and brand with the viddler player?
You can visually select your colours via ineractive colour weels to change: background, player shading, player colour...and even the very colour of the player controls!...and don't even remind me about branding with your logo. Check it out!

Metacafe is getting with the FX
PLYfx - is what metacafe labels as the new way of mega pimping your video player & video experience to a new level. Metacafe now allows you to add custom effects, tittles, speech bubbles,animation and hyperlinks to any part of your video in any part of its timeline. check it out.

So now you can build a consistent image with your projects and squeeze much more out of your tight budget, so that you can enhance your front line services even more, and still look professional!

Viddler's branded player preview

Metacafe's PLYFX

Mindsets: keys to growth & development

...and not just in the workplace - according to researchers & psychologists

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, is based on her continuous research at Standford University. It reveals that individuals with an open attitude to growth and developmen have a stronger likelihood to evolve. And this 'mindset' enables them to quickly adapt to circumstances and learn from their mistakes by seeing these as opportunities for that very growth. The New York Times has an interesting summary.

These findings are also supported by research shared in the book, tribal leadership, which I mentioned in a previous post.

If you have an organisation that is led by values, and corresponding individuals are recruited to reflect these philosophies and a desire for growth and sharing, then you will have something really, really great. These statements are corroborated by the fantastic book called spiritual capital.

These finds are worth reading - if you can borrow the books, otherwise it may be worth bying to share! well worth reading.