Why would you want to pay for a 12pp. article on customer/consumer collaboration with the development of products and services when you can tap into these minds on the web for free?

I So after having finished an article on 'conversations-engagment-trust' that weaved in elements of collaboration and co-development I go into London Waterloo today to find the October issue of Harvard Business Review having an article titled, 'The Contribution Revolution: Letting Volunteers Build Your Business' - and the price in sterling? It's like bying a whole book!!!!

(HBR: web image & mobile photo...notice the layout difference in the editions)

Can't we work out a model of how collaboration works out by 'creating our own frankenstein' and learning from others for free?


Even the McDaddy of economics of distributed and open innovation, Dr. Eric von Hippel, has his books for free on his website as well as his research papers on the subject. Others have posted models which are easily available, as well as lovely PDFs...see below! Well, I can always strive to do my bit for the 'open spirit' ;-)

Before you explore the resources I leave you with the thoughts of Clay Sharky

Models, References & Useful Resources - for free!!!

What does 'crowdsourcing' mean for business innovation?http://ideaflow.corante.com/archives/2006/06/05/what_does_crowdsourcing_mean_for_business_innovation.php

The FLIRT Model of Crowdsourcing - The Updated Model and Background


Overcoming Mass Confusion: Collaborative Customer Co-Design in Online Communities


The Contribution Revolution: Letting Volunteers Build Your Business - Harvard business review -October 2008 Issue 12p.


Geeks in Toyland - how lego tapped into passionate consumers to innovate


The Power Of Us - Mass collaboration on the Internet is shaking up business http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_25/b3938601.htm

Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing


Scoble on Fast Company TV - Using croes to preduct outcomes - predictify


Faces in the Crowd: Brett Snider


Eric von Hippel - wikipedia entry


Eric von Hippel - free papers


Eric von Hippel - free books


The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations


The Wisdom of Crowds Vs Blink...The aggregate & averaging of opinion to model accurate predictions Vs the think slicing instictive discrimination of the individual


Gladwell - author of Blink


Ross Mayfield...Participation Ladder


Ross Mayfield...Power Law of Participation


P.S Forrester has got a couple more that you can google to satisfy your curiosity

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