PrimoPDF - a good & free PDF writer

This PrimoPDF writer is almost perfect, but not quite...

In one of my previous posts relating to the issuu flipbook platform that converted PDFs to Flipbook format (and was free) I promised that I would write a post on a free and reliable PDF writer.
I've been using PrimoPDF for two months after having some problems with my previous pdf writer when printing webpages to pdf. So I went to the credible and reliable owned by Cnet and Ziff Davis publishing (, and checked around. After some googling and seeing other opionions I decided to give it a go. I still use it to this day.
The only thing that bothers me about PrimoPDF is that it constantly tries to connect to the internet. I've let it a few times but updates did not inform me of the changes. checked it for malaware, etc. and said that it was squeaky clean.
If you aren't happy with your current pdf writer's ability to print webpages to pdf, then give PrimoPDF a go. Once installed it becomes anothe printer that you select to print to.
As part of this series, I'm examining open source components that facilitate a publishing work flow that culminates in a PDF format. Look out for the next open source reviews that will help your non-profit maximize resource and minimize unecessary expenditure. In the meantime check out the PrimoPDF screen shots, and if you like PrimoPDF download it from

PrimoPDF Printer Dialogue (from firefox Print option)

PrimoPDF Dialogue (when making PrimoPDF default printing device)

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