How can Eminem and `stigma research` offer insights in to positive service user experiences?...

..."If, as I have been arguing, stigma is a cause of stress, then stigma as a way of life will turn out to be a cause of ill health. And the effect will be a direct consequence of stigma itself, not an indirect result of it. In other words, it will turn out that people on the bottom of society's hierarchies, who die younger and endure more illnesses, will suffer because they perceive themselves at the bottom - not just because they can't afford doctors or good food or safe housing. " - Us and Them: Understanding your tribal mind, pp 262-263.

"I am what ever you say I am..." - Eminem, The Way I am, The Marshall Mathers LP [Explicit].
So if service users are aware that they are disadvantaged, at the fringes of society, and are trying to parachute out of an environment of under-achievement and apathy, then these descriptive aspects of the very services users will manifest and play out as self-fulfilling prophesies.

It is a bit like a theatrical performance, where, when you outline the actors, set the script, and the stage, what do you think the outcomes will be based on these self-determining factors and conditions? How do you think the show will play out?

This is far from fiction, when you take into account Phil Zimbardo's 1971 prisoner/guard experiment carried out in a Stanford university basement, which was turned into a mock prison. In a nutshell the experiment documented how people can very quickly adapt their behaviour and easily fall into pre-defined roles, rules, conditions and expectations. Links to this striking research is available at the bottom of this article ;-)

So we may either extrinsically be exhibiting behaviour which projects our beliefs, or express biases which nurture our buried prejudices or subliminal stereotyping. There's plenty of research in this too!

Personal conversations and fabulous idea exchanges with various "charity chums" has provided me with numerous examples whereby people are described and pigeon-holed as cases for "special need" and attention, and that the programmes that are delivered are for "disadvantaged" or "vulnerable" people. Etc... mmmmm.

So, as service providers and key workers we need to watch our language and frame senses of achievement for our service users or clients from the "additive perspective". Within this view, the person is already complete. We, as service providers and facilitators within the third sector, have the responsibility to point people to resources and personal tools (emotional and spiritual) that will enable them to embrace and take advantage of life's future possibilities. A future, where their lives become a regular source of joy and tranquility.

Don't take my word for it, check out the research and catch you another time ;-)


"Us and Them: Understanding your tribal mind"

"I am what ever you say I am..." - Eminem,The Way I am, The Marshall Mathers LP [Eplicit]

Stanford Prison Experiment
A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment Conducted at Stanford University

Abu Ghraib: Why good people turn evil

Social Stigma Causes Poor Math Performance by U.S. Students, Study Suggests

Negative performance and the impact of: Stereotype threat

Buried Prejudice: The Bigot in Your Brain

Decision Making Suffers from Unconscious Prejudices

The Implicit Prejudice

Tricky, Turbulent, Tribal: Friend or foe is a mutable designation

Stereotype Threat and Female Students’ Math Performance

The Neuroscience of Stigma and Stereotype Threat

PR and Media guides for small charities and groups

Need to work smarter with the media and get some PR going for your activities?

Well don't fear, here are two fantastic, and what is best of all, free PDFs to help you along the way.

I have missed posting to this blog, but I've been busy exploring new material, and even have a video to post here for another tutorial that will help my fab charity chums. Enjoy the preview of the PR & Media PDFs thanks to the lovely people at Issuu.

Abbey National's free guide to PR for small charities and Groups

Here's a link to the file, if you want it (will open as PDF in browser):

Voluntary Action Media Unit's Guide to working with the Media: Smart Comms

Here's a link to the file, if you want it (will open as PDF in browser):

Let me know what you think of these, and leave us a comment or some stars ;o)
Happy Easter!

Website demos can be a doddle with twiddla

Live real time web demo & collab with twiddla - doodles and chat too....

Yes, live website demos, doodling & chattin is a doddle with twiddla, oh and did I mention it was free?

Yes, yes, my wonderful charity chums and little charity chums helpers and buddies! - I bring you another fab free online collaboration review! - have no fear, - Twiddla is here!!!!

kiss good bye to thumb twiddling when asked to support charities, colleagues or invidiuals with web platfomrs/technologies! - this is a tool that is very, very useful and easy to use!
If you know how to use drawing tools in microsoft word or powerpoint and can use a browser - then you re 90% of the way there with twiddla! - it's that easy! - really!

Shapes, text bubbles, free style pencil drawing, adding images - it is all possible with twiddla. You can even chat with colleagues, or if you have skype you can talk to them explaining verbally what you are doing. It's that simple.

So check out the video I have prepared below - and get familiarised with the possiblities.

What is even better is that after contacting the twiddla team as a charity, they told me that anyone with a '.org' or '.edu' email can be upgraded for free. What's the difference? - Well, when you demo a site for people you can do so under the privacy of a "private" - "password protected space".

You can email the unique and customisable password and URL to your audience, so no clown can come in and start grafftiying your work and loading other sites. If you want to get your free upgrade then, send an email to info[at], put into the subject free 'charity' or 'education upgrade' - and in the body tell them that william doust sent you.
So now turn the lights down, get your popcorn and get ready to watch the twiddla show.


twiddla website & sandbox

twiddla free upgrade email contact & details
email: info[at]
subj: free 'charity' or 'education upgrade'
body: william doust told me & sent me
terms & conditions: must have a '.org' or '.edu' for free upgrade
(to password protect your sessions)


Charity Chums - social bookmarks sharing group for charities & non-profits
(share annotated web resources with our little group on diigo)

Charity Chums - linking charities to collaborate smartly and build a better future together ;o)
Through lovely conversations I've encouraged charities to start talking and helping each other with the use of free web and communication tools. It started all with Skype, and web disoveries were then added to the mix - and these are now shared with the use of diigo - bookmarking and web annotation on a web platform.

What's even better is that these initial conversations that were started with free technologies, will now lead to face-to-face meeting to exchange best practice. Thanks to the NCVO's connect scheme they should be able to get together - fingers crossed. This is the scheme where £250 are shared for the day's expenses. £150 - goes to the host and £100 for the visitor. Agh ;0)

Could dabbling in communicating and collaborating via fee web-tools create evidence - to piggy back off other funding? - who knows, but it is worth a cheeky try! - specially when the NCVO connect Scheme has several round fo funding. Next round in June.

Why you could save time - and time is money in the charity sector - by using web tools and social bookmarking
Two of my charity chums, charities which I work with and try to inspire are sharing my passion for learning and making life easier with the use of free web technologies and appliactions to collaborate and save time & money during these credit crunch times.

In this post we will cover the use of Diigo, and in a future blog post we will cover Twiddla with Skype. Stay tuned, and I do hope you enjoy this post.

Using Diigo to share sector discoveries, insights, and great resources - tap into the collective power of soical bookmakring and web annotation
How many people have you met in conferences, events and in other face-to-face circumstances who tell you about great resources on the web that could have helped your project? - If, only, if only you knew?

If only the information of this resource had done a Hudini, and broke free from the confines of your favorites (on your browser) or the silo of your inbox. So many links waiting to help you!

This is where Diigo comes in. Diigo allows you to save, annotate and share the web - on the web! people can search and discover what you want to share! as simple as that. Take a look at the video and I'll see you in a moment.

What do you think?
Check-out the bookmarking screenshots on diigo for a fab review

Don't ask what you can do for diigo but what diigo can do for you
You saw how quickly you can expand your efforts by tapping into "communities of common interests", create/join groups, track keywords and phrases related to your interests and share. Go ahead, join us in diigo and let us share our journey of discovery.

This video only scratches the surface of what diigo allows you to do and connect to
There's much more, stay tuned! - and why not join our family learning and sharing group?


Diigo website

Diigo - bookmarking screen shots

Diigo help - screenshots - everything u need to know

Diigo - presentations on slideshare

Diigo in Education wiki

Diigo toolbar for firefox

Diigo intro video

Charity Chums Group (new- as of this post)

Existing Accelerated Family Learning Group

NCVO connect scheme

I've listened to wonderful heart warming stories - and these contain shorcuts to building strategies and shaping behaviour

I feel that I have been blessed to have the opportunity to work front-line supporting the wonderful charities I came in contact with in my role at campaign for learning. Currently working in London & South East has seen me support my charity chums face-to-face, on skype and on the phone.

The stories I hear so clearly represent the caring values that have become invisible to these organisations, because it is not scripted or rehearsed! - it comes straight from the heart! So my role is to listen and raise a mirror so they can see the building blocks behind their stories that make them so, so unique. Have you seen what lives behind your charity's or group's story? Yes, no?

From this starting point we can build a foundation and uncover vision, mission, strategy and values. You really do need these strong building blocks, because they will shape your choices, your behaviour and everthing you do as an organisation. Once documented and communicated it helps staff and service users see what you are all about. In fact, why not ask your service users if what you think of yourself - is what they think of you? - as they say, your brand is not what you say it is, it is what your publics say it is!

Here are a couple of fantastic free reads - check them out and let me know what you think! - I would love to hear from you...

Story Telling & Story Selling

Talking Strategy & stories


talking strategy diigo anotated link (access to free PDF)

telling stories, selling stories diigo annotated link (access to free PDF)

Amazon related & useful books (my associates links)

This post is dedicated to Julian Miller from the Gorilla Organization
I met Jilllian at the Third Sector PR and Communications network event in London Last Thursday 19th of Feb. Someone was asking about the impact of working with bloggers, and what was the ratio of effort and related outcome/benefit of engaging. The question was posed by someone who worked in PR/Comms. As an evangelist and fan of virtual volunteer and philanthropist collaboration with artists and creatives I mentioned that getting people involved - crowd sourcing gave positive results.

I met Jillian at the pub bar when she heard me asking the bar maid to tease a Colombian from Cali to mention the word "Barranquilla". She heard the rolled 'r' and repeated it back to me which got the conversation going. Jillian's organization, gorillas, works to help to ensure the well being of gorillas. in Congo. If you can adopt a gorilla and donate.

How the arts council artsjob mailing list can help you connect and co-develop great visual communications
Whilst doing my usual volunteering - prior to working in the sector, I assisted Survivors of Depression in Transition to reach out and transform the group's creative writing into a calendar.
The power of the group's words were re-interpreted into corresponding images by volunteer artists. The result was a fantastic calendar that was laid out, digitally printed, and sold at the venue - Sheffield's winter gardens. In addition the artists were asked if they wished to donate their artwork as originals or digital prints, to help the charity fund-raise. They did. Their artwork was also exhibited nest to the poetry. This happened in the last quarter of 2007.

You too can get artists to help your charity and help them too - here's the sweet recipe
1. go to the arts council website
2. subscribe to the arts council arts job mailing list
3. check out the postings relating to requests for volunteering
4. get a feel for how briefs/appeals are put together
5. write a brief
6. send it out and be ready to receive ;o)

Things to think about (brief, managing artists,managing contributions/content)

  1. are the contributions going to end in print or just on the web? - this has an impact on resolution and dimensions.
  2. have you told your contributors explicitly enough that you want them to donate their work?
  3. can you get a written ok from contributors to continue printing their work - to help you with fundraising after the event? - if you choose to.
  4. have you thought about the fact that you could make that content more flexible and redeploy it in printing on demand products? (no sunk costs, see article here)
  5. have you thought about getting an agreement with the artists so that you can use their work in things such as mugs, mouse pads, umbrellas, t-shirts? (printing on demand)
  6. have you thought about showcasing your artists/contributors in your publications/website? - they have given their time to make a difference!
  7. are you going to ask them for samples of their work to see if it fits with your values or will you visit their portfolios online?
  8. will they send you a low-rez version (if the project is visual) and did you make sure they were aware of final dimensions and resolution?
  9. have you got a friendly printer that will do digital printing and low runs? - if you choose not to go with printing on demand.
  10. have you got colleagues who will help you decide which donated work you will include
  11. has the brief included a short and sweet backgrounder that links to the collaborators values , appeals to their philanthropist values and also demonstrates how they will benefit too?
My experience has shown that as long as you are open, clear and speak from the heart of what you want and why you wish to collaborate - all will go well. Remember some budding collaborators who want to be involved will be doing so for various reasons. If the heart warming feeling can be supplemented by additional benefits where the body of work is recognized, appreciated and showcased to many, all the better.

I leave you with a quick video I prepared for you that has been sped up to quickly show the calendar that was made for Survivors of Depression in Transition.

Crowdsourcing and Arts Council Arts Job mailing list from william doust on Vimeo.

This is a video showing a calendar that was developed thanks to the collaboration of virtual volunteers who were recruited via England's arts council jobs mailing list.

All of the fab artwork was printed onto a calendar that was sold during mental health week in 2007. The artwork was exhibited and auctioned in Sheffield's contemporary winter gardens - right next to the city's gallery and creative industries.

Thanks to all those who participated.

wikis to use for-ever with no strings?

One of the guys from emailed me today and said that they are launching free wikis in two weeks! Surprise, shock and horror ;-O I found out about these guys ( accidentally when I went to sign-up for a bloggers event that is taking place in London, very, very soon - for those in the charity sector. The event is being run by the fab gang from charitycomms - see the group on facebook! - share, learn, and join the conversation! So...sign up to the event was via - so, i setup an account in order to add myself to the list. After I couldn't help but have a nosy round. In the sales blurb bit, I saw nothing about charities! - so I dropped them an email and they said thy are to launch a new free service in two weeks! - don't believe me? check out the email they sent (minus personal details).

Wikis are fab - cos they free up knowledge that is locked up in emails, systems, and laptops Information wants to be free and wants to be your helpful friend...but it can't be, when it is caged up in office systems that are not very accessible to remote workers..or when it is in laptops or swimming in a sea of webmail - even with mail search it's a blimmin nightmare!

That's right those of us on the coal face of delivering services to other charities sometimes duplicate efforts
Wikis (wikipedia definition of a wiki) provide an editorial platofrm where we can share knowledge. What ever we want it to be: funding sources, grants, case-studies, best practises, tools, tips, etc.
The perfect web platform for remote collaboration. This is where wikis come in to rescue us. If you are not to comfortable with technology, then check out the fab and accessible video from the nice people at common craft who explain everything in plain english ;D

Common Craft's Wikis in Plain English...

Resources/References Wikipedia's definition of what a wiki is

Benefits & pitfalls of wikis

Wikis at work: benefits & practices

Wikis in higher education: teaching and learning with

Just three major employee benefits?

wiki software - wikipedia compilation

free wikis for life - comin soon

Business Surplus Goods given away to charities

Konnect 9 Charity redistributes unwanted goods to charities via

Konnect9 is arranging the re-disribution of unwanted goods from firms with surplases to charities who register on the site. It is on a first come first serve basis. No costs - absolutely free. So if you're a business or a charity, what are you waiting for ;) go to


About Konnect9

Givingworldonlline website

ThirdSector Magazine artilce on givingworldonline & konnnect9

Online procurement site supplier direct europe features this charity (pdf link)

work, home, community and self: prescribed integration possible according to Harvard Business Review interview

Those who have follow this blog have tended to notice how I gather evidence that lavish praise on fulfillment, passion and happiness as part of your way of being and working. Indeed in a recent blogpost on branding - I embedded a slideshare which had as a headline, happiness as a business model, and another one on research by MTV - relating to happiness, engagement, and connection to peers.

Past re-incarnations of Harvard Business Review Articles (ah those were the days when I was a student) relating to leadership and management always talked about balancing acts, and managing trade-offs. But I guess that the tide has been turning over the years, and thank God they are now talking about "integration" - if Starbucks is about 3 places (home,coffee place,work), new leadership/management is about integrating: work, home, community and self.

Stewart D. Friedman, Professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, states that addressing these integration of our four physical and psychological places and spaces will enable us to enjoy better: mental health, physical health, spiritual growth & development and leisure.

This is what we learned in the third sector years ago ;)

Check out the video
If you can't see the video then please click on this link

This video interview has practical implementation in the fantastic book and workbook called, "becoming a resonant leader" - (amazon link) - develop your emotional intelligence, renew your relationships, sustain your effectiveness by Annie McKee, Richard Goyatzis, and Frances Johnstone.

Differentiate your organisation through goodness! - be a brand that truly cares!!!
I recently finished reading - i'm with the brand, by Rob Walker (wikipedia profile) who examined how we weave consumerist artifacts into the narrative that externally describes our unique identity, and how these brand interactions create that tension between individuality and belonging. Very fabulous reading, specially when Rob looks deeper at 'fringe' brands who explore greater meaning with us as individuals! The books shows how informatively thinking fringe 'brands' integrate themselves into our lives, by connecting to our passions - via events, eZines, and other ways of creating genuine conversations.

I have heard of individuals in the third-sector receiving consultant services from commercial pundits who are in the old school of "push marketing" (wikipedia) or as Seth Godin (wikipedia profile) would say, interruption based marketing. In a previous post I presented the mounting evidence on the accumulation of user generated opinion that is challenging the advertising model.

More than ever we need to keep a clear conversation and dialogue with our service users to sign post, energize and facilitate their personal transformations. Removing barriers and opening opportunities - This can only really happen through clarity and stewardship, because we are here to serve the needs of our communities we represent. By becoming enablers, we strengthen a rippling effect that scatters throughout our emotional connections and conversations.

We therefore need to fearlessly let our genuine voices cut through the marketing clutter and business speak - like in the call to arms so well presented in the clue train manifesto.

This can only lead to truly focusing on a nonprofit business model that nurtures happiness and well being. Our impetus has to be heart centred commitment, and to paraphrase Tim Sanders (wikipedia profile), let our love be the killer app (Tim is author of: Love the Killer App)

Let me sign post you on a journey of discovery that will present fresh ways of being and thinking, and conversations, and true engament are right in the middle of it all. I feel that we need to truly care for our client/user base - and if you have to call them customers, then we need to embrace logic + emotion.

I leave you with a question, how much of an individual's personality impacts on services?

Enjoy ;D this short journey ;D

Inspirational community building and conversation starters...
See different, think different. I hope that the following slide shows and embedded material will convince you of building ongoing relationships with figures of authority, so that you can better serve the communities which you support.

Goodness And Happiness - Why Generosity Is The Future Of Marketing Strategy

Happiness as Your Business Model

Happiness - MTV: young people, connecting and engaging


Are you your organisation's brand?

Watch Personal Branding, David Armano, Critical Mass in Chicago Convergence | View More Free Videos Online at

Crucial Conversations In Social Media

Amazon relatd books widget

Related links/resources

Conversation by Design

Social Media Measurement

Social Media Strategy

Word of Mouth - A Prescription for a Bad Economy

Why branding matters in a world of so much clutter

Can children be negatively affected by family environment, TV, Internet and too much individualism?

Yes - according to a recent report by "The Children's society". Report released on Feb 2nd 09.

"The Children's society" has released a report demonstrating how children are being affected by family environment, TV, Internet and individualism - to name but a few.It examines the darker side of these elements and the impact on well being.

The research was spearheaded under the banner of - making childhood better. The bbc has some video testimonials reflecting children & young people's perspectives.

It's funny how this report seemed to look at the dark side of Internet time, I wonder how much credibility they gave to the MacArthur report, which I blogged about recently - stating the positives (Internet)?

lovely links...

Children's society press release

bbc children's related videos - childhood, well being, society, etc.

Pupils' well-being to be measured -bbc

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)Social and emotional well being in primary education

MacArthur Foundation dishes out the reality of truckloads of skills kids picking up online
This results of this fab and extensive research conducted by MacArthur foundation into how time spend online was important for youth development. The paper titled: Living and Learning with New Media raised the following:

Major Findings:

  • youth use online media to extend friendships and interests
  • youth engage in peer-based, self-directed learning online
  • virtual presence enable youth to become experts based on interests
  • youth become more independent in seeking and deepening knowledge based on interests
  • develop status & identity
  • kids and young adults set their time - and when it is convenient
  • informal, more relaxed way of learning, empowering and motivating
  • adults should facilitate young people’s engagement with digital media
  • given the diversity of digital media, it is problematic to develop a standardized set of benchmarks against which to measure young people’s technical and newmedia literacy
  • in interest-driven participation, adults have an important role to play
  • to stay relevant in the 21st century, education institutions need to keep pace with the rapid changes introduced by digital media.

800 youths and young adults were involved in the study for a period of over 5000 hours of online observation. This research came out in Nov. 2008, but I was so snowed under, didn't get a chance to post about it ;(

Check out the video...

if you can't see the video below then check it out here.

Related links...

new york times article - Teenagers’ Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing

MacArthur main page for research report

MacArthur's digitallearning portal

Download the 30-page white paper

australian government online safety for children & young people

practical safety programmes by charity called childnet international

resources for teachers on newmedia - conference proceedings

thinkuknow - new media, mobiles and resources for carers/parents, teacher/trainer

netzmartz workshops - teen and young people newmedia safety for young people

Amazon related books...

blogs and blogging in plain English

Why re-invent the wheel to report what other wonderful work others have done? - quick post on blogs the easy peasy way ;D

The gang at Common craft who do such fab work on making things easy produced this video on blogs in plain English. Check out their other work in

My two cents worth as they say in the states (my experience/opinion) is that observation is a powerful tool to see what's out there in the blog world, and if you couple this with the firefox add-on called NoScript, then you can see exactly what's embeded in every blog (scripts, widgets, etc.).

So keep your passion alive - always seek to make life easier for others, to communicate and to have all the fun you can with your blogging. It's about engaging yourself and being in the moment. If it's not fun, then why do it?

Resources/links related to blogging...

170+ Must-Have Tools For The Beginning Blogger

Blogging Toolbox: 120+ Resources for Bloggers

The Ultimate Blogger’s Toolbox - More than 80 links to tools and resources to help improve your blogging experience

Universal McCann provides statistics and a global insight into the popularity of blogging in different countries

future labs take on blogging and education

Comments, Trackback: Blogger vs Haloscan

20 Analytics Tools For Blogs

what the world is searching for - using yahoo search

googles hottest search terms...

search for trends and what's hot in the blogosphere

what's popular and hot - technorati

social bookmarking main contenders...

Sharing & storing things you are passionate about... on the web...

I was speaking to some fantastic people int he charity sector about increasing productivity with regards to research on the web. I have been using as a way of bookmarking on the web - so that it can be shared with others and accessed from anywhere.

Then I discovered another service called diigo - which allowed you to do, soo much more. I still need to port over my bookmarks to diigo - this will be documented ;D

In the meantime, for the un-initiated here are some fab videos explaining it all. You make up your mind ;D

7 reasons why diigo is better than delicous (allegedly)

180 tools that support & enhance delicious

Why Branding Matters in a world of so much clutter

When you energize and make peple go wow! - then you're onto good things
I feel more energized than usual because I recently visited one of the charitable organisations I support. The dynamic duo that make things happen turbo-charge their services with so much emotional intelligence and care, that their service users cannot help but smile and the children shout with glee!

So After a fab meeting I was looking for ways to assist in reflecting back to them what they do and make the process more actionable and continuous. Seek and you shall find ;D

I found this amazing presentation on slideshare which I will share with you.

The Brand Gap
View more presentations or upload your own. (tags: brand gap)

There is also access to another site where you can download the pdf for free. More than ever your services whether in the charitable, public or private sector need to stand out! - specially in a word of over abundance of choice. As professor Barry Schwartz, author of 'The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less' says we're facing a new phenonmenon of stress due to having to find the right choice! Check out the google video.
You can also read previous posts that have a wealth of free materials.

If you're a serial reader like me here are some books to really get you thinking...

During this credit storm we need to continue the focus on the service to our communities
The BBC news keeps on mirroring the economic storms we are facing - and this is reflecting in the third-sector (charity non-profit). This uncertainty has been echoed in press releases by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO).

During this time that pundits stir their cocktails of doom & gloom - I draw my strength on focusing on how my work and commitment can continue to deliver benefits and results to the charitable organisations i'm lucky to contribute to and collaborate with. Rick Warren, Author of the fab book, "Purpose-driven Life: What on Earth am I Here For?" - starts the book by saying, it's not about you!

Leading by example, we can energize our environments and things we do. Research and psychology has shown that emotion is contagious (wikipedia). Therefore I prefer to spread positive emotion because it energizes. It is harder to get on with doing work with heavy emotions. So why make life difficult for ourselves, when it is not about ourselves?

A mind under psychological strain is faced with reduced creative options, specially if we allow ourselves to mirror our times. We need to see our new environment in ways that enable us to create community centric solutions that involve our communities and capitalises on their skills. We may not have as much money coming in, but we do have ways of challenging our assumptions and our thinking ;-)

What could you do with one bucket? - I wash myself with one bucket (body, shampoo & rinse), I could wash the car with one bucket, I could mop the floors of a three bedroom house with one bucket, I could use that one bucket to collect shellfish when going to the sea...what else?

Together we can create solutions for our communities because it is not about us! It is about serving, it is about giving, and our collective intelligence and care can produce more value and provide greater impact than superficially throwing money at a problem. This time we can think deeper to make our money work harder. As they say, lets line up as many ducks as possible. I strongly feel taht we have a psycholgoical, emotional and spiritual contract to serve.

I'll leave you with the Rick Warren video (from TEDtalks) and an amazon carrousel displaying some of the books that inspired this post

Amazon Carrousel for the Books that Inspired this post

Lovely links...
The HapyStance Project - blog

'Resonant Leader' Summary (emotional intelligence & connecting)

Rick Warren's Talk on TEDtalks - and corresponding resources

Can thirdsector research be sexy? - NPC shows us

Video and treasure trove of toolkits at New Philanthropy Capital
New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) Treasure trove of free research and toolkits to help third sector
I just had to get some toolkits and research for an organisation I support - rather thann re-invent the wheel.

As I was going through the pages, I discovered a really fab video, that highlights the researh NPC undertakes. It was so powerful, yet so simply put together. I thought that I would share it with you. Couldn't we do much more of this in our sector to creatively tell stories and show our achievements? IT's a pity NPC did not follow through with more videos - at least they don't have anymore on their vimeo video channel.

New Philanthropy Capital from Plum Lomax on Vimeo.